Being a consultant is a wide job title that can apply to numerous fields of work. There are consultants to help with investing, accounting, travel, nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle.
Because it is such a vast field, consultants face a lot of competition – especially online with consultant SEO agency services. Which is why you should start considering some form of consultant internet marketing to gain exposure and boost clients.
Gone are the days of phone books and paper advertisements. If you want your business to be successful in 2020, it’s important to be utilizing the most effective marketing strategies available in order to gain more clients. As the markets stand, internet marketing is the way to go.
How Consultant Internet Marketing Can Help Grow Your Business
Consultant online marketing is a relatively new idea for some but is rapidly becoming more widespread due to its success in helping consultancy businesses grow and increase their revenue.
The term “internet marketing” can be confusing, as many people think it simply means throwing together a company blog and just pushing the “publish” button on a blog post every now and then.
However, online marketing involves much more than just publishing a company website. It includes voice, sales tactics, consistency, and a deep understanding of consultant SEO in order to be done correctly.
Consultant SEO and consultant internet marketing work hand-in-hand to provide consultation company marketing managers a way to market their services to a local audience and gain discovery in their community.
Without good online marketing, your potential clients who are turning to Google to find consultation services will choose to work with your competition — as they probably won’t bother scrolling all the way back to the 5th page of Google to find your services.
Understanding Consultant Organic Search Marketing & Search Engines
Search engines are very complex and base their rankings on a number of factors.
In order to rank higher on search engines, such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo, you need to have your website optimized so that the search engine is able to determine the nature of your website.
This is where consultant SEO comes into play. Consultant SEO stands for “search engine optimization” and is a technique utilized by internet marketing experts in order to improve rankings on Google.
Consultant search engine optimization involves optimizing the areas of your website, such as keywords, content, backlinks, and layout, in order to make it easier for Google to read and index your website.
How To Use Consultant Organic Search Marketing Marketing To Help Your Company Grow
Now that you understand the basics of a good consultant SEO marketing strategy, it’s time to think about putting that head-knowledge into action to kickstart your company’s rankings.
While it is possible to learn everything you need to know about consultant SEO yourself and manually implement internet marketing strategies, many consultancies opt to work with a professional consultant SEO marketing firm. This saves you the time and resources of having to master consultant internet marketing on your own.
Working with a professional consultant marketing firm will allow you to get the best outcome in the shortest amount of time and with the least amount of stress.
A great example of what an internet marketing firm looks like in action is the team here at Fannit. Our SEO experts have spent over a decade studying the intricacies of search engine algorithms and developing unique systems that help our clients consistently rank on the 1st page of Google.
What An Effective Consultant Organic Search Marketing Strategy Looks Like In Action
Here at Fannit, we’ve created industry-leading procedures that can help your consultancy meet Google’s high standards and get in front of your ideal clients.
To help you understand what our tailored marketing process looks like, here is a brief introduction to two of our very own consultant SEO systems — affectionately called TRAP and IRON.
These systems have gone through many refining periods over the years and what we have come out with is revolutionary for companies looking to take their marketing to the next level.
Let’s start with TRAP:
4 Categories That Need To Be Optimized On Your Consultation Company Website
The first of the two systems that we’ll discuss is our TRAP system. TRAP focuses on the 4 main categories of your website that require intensive optimization in order to give your consulting company website a rankings boost.
The four categories are:
T = Technical
If your company website is riddled with technical errors, broken links, conflicting links, or running on outdated systems, Google will take notice and your rankings will suffer.
In order to give your website the rankings boost it deserves, you will need a skilled team to step up to the challenge and remedy the technical issues.
Fannit’s technical team will update your website’s systems to improve loading speeds, repair links, remove conflicting links, and ensure that the technical side of your consulting company website is running smoothly.
Having the technical side of your website optimized will allow Google to crawl and index your website (determining what it is about) and once the indexing is complete potential clients will be able to find your site more easily.
R = Relevancy
Your consultation company website needs to be relevant if you want it to be read or discovered. Irrelevancy is more damaging than many consultants know and it can take on many forms.
In order to determine how your company website is doing in terms of relevancy, we will have our expert team conduct an assessment. They will take into account things that are harming your relevancy (like thin or duplicate content) and will remedy each issue either by deleting irrelevant content or bolstering it up to make it more relevant for your target audience.
A = Authority
Online authority comes mostly in the form of backlinks.
Consultant company owners are often aware that backlinks = authority and so in an attempt to improve their online authority become part of a spammy backlink for backlink group.
This actually is counterproductive and does more harm than good to your authority as Google takes careful note of where your links are coming from and rewards or punishes your rankings accordingly. A backlink from a spammy website with zero authority is not treated the same way as a backlink from a trusted website.
During the Authority phase of TRAP, our team will work on improving your consultation company website’s authority by building you a link strategy and removing any backlinks that might be harming your rankings.
P = Popularity
Besides the technical side of optimizing your website, your human audience also plays a huge part in determining your rankings.
The stage where we focus on your human audience is called the Popularity stage and involves extensive research about your site’s readers.
Our production team will optimize your site for users by cleaning up your site’s aesthetic, improving user experience through layout and assessing what your audience is looking for when they click on your website.
How Fannit Can Help You Build An IRON Consultant Organic Search Marketing Foundation For Your Company In Just 30 Days
While our TRAP system focuses on strategy and long-term goals for future online success, our IRON system is an intense boot camp, designed to kickstart your rankings and accomplish the absolute maximum that we can for your company in just 30 days.
During the IRON stage, our team will conduct in-depth interviews, research, and organize all data collected in order to identify the best way to improve your rankings.
The IRON stage allows our team to gain a deep understanding of what you do, the audience you hope to attract, and what you’re up against in terms of competition.
Start Improving Your Consultant Websites Rankings Today With Fannit
Better rankings are just around the corner! Consultant marketing is the way forward in today’s market, so don’t wait to start improving your rankings, Begin today and watch your consulting company grow.
To hear more about TRAP and IRON, and to learn how Fannit can help grow your clients, contact our team of experts today.