Digital Marketing Strategy: How to Create an Online Marketing Framework & Plan

on Blog May 03rd, 2021

Online channels like Google search and Facebook have become excellent ways to promote your products, but you need to have a comprehensive digital marketing plan in place to help you connect with your target audience.

When implemented properly, digital marketing strategies can drive traffic, improve engagement metrics, and get you more leads. But, implementing a pre-baked plan simply won’t cut it. To be successful, you need to have a solid strategy behind your digital marketing campaigns.

This short guide will cover everything you need to know about building robust digital marketing strategies for your business.

Digital Marketing Business Plan

Why Is It Important to Have an Online Strategy to Grow Your Business?

Before going over the components of an online promotion plan, let’s go over the importance of having one of your company.

First off, what is a digital marketing plan? Simply put, it’s the blueprint or outline you need to follow in order to achieve your online marketing goals.

The internet has become the first place consumers turn to find products and services. This means that you can leverage tools like Facebook and search engines to boost your digital presence and achieve your business objectives.

For example, generate leads at a higher rate.

What Are the Different Components of an Online Plan?

So, what makes up a strategic digital marketing plan? Simply put, every single digital marketing plan/strategy is different.

These may have elements in common, but the combination required to make your company succeed is unique. So, make sure to create a flexible strategy that allows you to add components, remove elements, and retain flexibility.

Here are some of the components you may have to include in your digital strategies.

The Audience

Every digital marketing strategy is created for a specific audience or set of audiences. Therefore, you need to learn as much information as you can about the cohort you will try to attract.

Start by creating a buyer persona that represents each similar group. The persona will help you develop better materials for your target customers, including social media posts, paid campaigns, and even blog articles.

Objectives and Goals

Creating a list of business and marketing goals will help you stay on track and remember the main objective of your venture.

Make sure to set goals that are measurable through both quantitative and qualitative ratings. Not only this, but take the time to analyze year-over-year revenue to potentially identify trends or strategies that can boost your results.

Content Marketing

If you have a digital marketing agency business plan, you probably know about content marketing. In case you don’t, this is a great opportunity to learn how this strategy can help you attract new users and engage existing customers.

Content strategies focus on increasing website traffic through quality blogs, website pages, and similar types of publications. This also includes content for mobile devices as well as other marketing plans that help you connect with your ideal customer.

Email Marketing

Like all experienced digital marketing managers will tell you, emails are a great way to sell goods and services. Consumer behavior varies depending on location and age. But, generally-speaking, emails can help you connect with potential customers at a much higher rate than a traditional marketing plan.

The best part is that email campaigns are relatively affordable to create and manage, making them among the most effective marketing plans you can leverage.

Paid Advertising

You can run paid media campaigns on a wide range of networks. The most reliable and profitable one is Google Ads (formerly Google Adwords), although social media platforms also provide a great alternative.

Paid campaigns are great because they can help you connect with potential customers right away, so you can achieve your business goals in a much shorter timespan. That said, you need to install Google Analytics, create ads based on your buyer personas, and make sure that leads are sent directly to your marketing funnel.

Mobile Marketing

Did you know that mobile marketing makes up more than half of the world’s organic traffic? While this trend is unlikely to catch up in areas like the US, there is no denying that mobile marketing may lead to increased sales for ecommerce businesses and other types of company.

Mobile marketing requires a distinct plan. Thus, you need to create buyer personas for mobile, make sure that every blog post is available on these devices, and include

Social Media Marketing

Social media channels like Facebook can enhance the results you get from your digital marketing activities. But, it’s important to use these platforms for more than collecting positive online reviews. Social channels can become a great sales tool, so make sure to create relevant content for each platform you plan on using.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is among the most well-known digital marketing methods. This is because SEO can help you reach your target market, reach all relevant confines of the digital world, and boost all the aspects of your present strategy.

Additionally, SEO is compatible with video marketing, influencer marketing, native advertising, and all other approaches, making it a great fit for all industries.

More Helpful Reading: Digital Marketing 101

How to Create a Digital Marketing Strategy

Creating a solid strategy starts with a good digital marketing plan outline. Remember, you need to tailor your plan based on your requirements, goals, and resources. So, review each of the stages we detail and adjust each one to your business to get the results you want.

Here are general steps you should follow to create a strategy for your business. Alternatively, you can always partner with marketing agencies that specialize in promotion through online platforms.

Step 1 – Situational Analysis

First off, take the time to research your audience, budget, goals, and all other elements you need to understand to create a plan.

Step 2 – Define Your Audience

Next, you should focus your digital marketing efforts on defining the audience or audiences you want to target.

Step 3 – Establish Digital Marketing Goals

Now, you need to create a set of goals and objectives for your digital marketing campaign plan. Make sure that they’re measurable and that you have milestones to track your progress.

Step 4 – Calculate Your Digital Plan Budget

In this step, you have to define your digital marketing budget. Don’t be afraid to shift most of your resources towards digital as this method has become the new golden standard in many industries.

Step 5 – Define the Marketing Strategy

The following step is to build the base of your digital marketing business plan by outlining the customer journey and determining your overall approach.

Step 6 – Choose Your Strategies and Tactics

Once you have an idea of how you want your marketing to work (for example, portraying you as a subject matter expert) you should choose the digital marketing channels you’ll use.

Step 7 – Measuring Results & KPIs

After implementing your solutions, remember that you have to measure the digital marketing tactics key performance indicators (KPIs).

Step 8 – Create a Marketing Calendar

A successful advertising and promotion strategy requires regular maintenance, analysis, and optimization. Make sure to create a calendar that includes each one of these actions to help keep your team on point.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Have questions about creating a digital marketing plan? Check out our most common FAQs.

What is included in a marketing plan for digital channels?

Every plan for online promotion should include a budget, strategy specific, KPIs, and an optimization calendar.

What are the steps to create a digital plan?

The steps to create a tailored plan vary from one business to the next. If you don’t have in-house experts, working with a digital agency can be a great alternative.

What are the 4 elements for a successful digital strategy?

This varies from one business to the next, but the main elements of a successful online plan are usually:

  • SEO
  • Paid channels
  • Social marketing
  • Email campaigns


Creating a tailored plan can help you increase sales and boost other KPIs. That said, you need to have an SEO strategy as well as a dedicated plan for each channel to successfully generate sales.

To learn more about improving your market share through online promotion channels, contact Fannit today.




As the world becomes ever more connected, the spaces where we live, work, and play are increasingly moving online. This means the digital world is the perfect place to reach the public and gives brands the ability to be at every step of the customer journey, from initial interest right through to purchase. In this new world, having a digital marketing strategy is non-negotiable for many companies. Additionally, hiring reliable inbound marketing services can shorten the learning curve and help you hit the ground running.

At Fannit, we’ve spent the last decade providing tailored digital marketing services for businesses in all industries. We understand that modern consumers rely on the internet to find new products to buy or services to use.

So, our team works relentlessly to develop a plan that helps you connect with these potential customers.

Let’s take a look at the definition of a digital marketing strategy and go over the steps to help you build a tailored play for your business.

What Is a Digital Marketing Strategy?

Much like a traditional promotion strategy, a digital marketing strategy is a plan to achieve your marketing goals, whether that’s maximizing coverage, improving your brand awareness, or to generate more leads.

The difference is rather than using traditional channels such as print media or out of home, digital marketing strategies focus on the online channels now readily available.

Think search results, social media, banner ads, and much more. All these help make up a successful digital media strategy.

Each digital marketing strategy must be carefully thought out with the business in mind.

There’s no sense in just replicating what you have seen other brands attempt to do because all companies are different.

You have to think about what strategies will be relevant to your particular business goals and plan accordingly.

You should also try and ensure each part of your digital strategy plan assists another over time. A digital marketing strategy should be a multi-stage process, and not just focused on your immediate objectives.

Think about what your short, medium, and long term goals are, and how each stage of this can lead on to the other.

How Do I Create a Digital Marketing Strategy?

So, how do you get started? The first step is identifying your target audience. These are the people who will be most interested in your brand.

There’s little use in spending your budget reaching those unlikely to purchase your products.

One way that a strategic digital marketing plan has an edge over a traditional marketing plan is the sheer amount of data available allows your campaigns to be hyper-targeted, therefore avoiding wasted spending.

Make sure the research for your digital marketing strategies includes details on your customers to learn more about them, their interests, hobbies, favored social platforms, the content they respond to, and more.

You’ll also need to take demographic factors into account. Think about age, location, average income, gender, etc.

All of these can inform your digital strategy about their spending habits and how to effectively reach them.

Once you know who you are targeting, you should then think about what exactly your digital marketing strategy aims to achieve.

Perhaps you want to increase visits to your landing page, increase your brand visibility, or just want to maximize conversions and sales.

Whatever goals you choose, whether it’s generating leads or increasing conversions, you then need to think about what your digital marketing plan can do to make them a reality.


In brief, you should plan out what you are going to achieve, and when you want to achieve it, and how you will measure what you have achieved.

A useful acronym to get started with an online digital strategy that is often used for marketing is SMART. This stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely.


A digital marketing strategy should be specific. It shouldn’t just be ‘grow your business’, ‘reach new people’ or ‘generate more sales’.

Rather, it should be ‘create X amount of conversions’ or ‘increase website traffic by X%’. If you have a specific idea of what to achieve, it’ll be much easier to measure your success.


If you’ve done the first step of ‘Specific’ correctly, measuring your results will be much simpler.

This way you can tell if what you’re doing is effective, and if not will give you insight into how to tweak your digital marketing strategy to place it back on track


Make sure that you plan your goals to be possible. If you’re a small business don’t compare yourself to the digital marketing strategy of a huge corporation like Coca-Cola and try to replicate its numbers.

Take into account where you’re starting from and the available budget. Making a lot of small steps to boost your digital marketing strategy is more likely to be successful than one huge leap.

However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be ambitious. Setting yourself a goal that you should be achieving anyway won’t help.

Stretch goals can be realistic and can help incentivize your different digital marketing strategies to work that bit much harder.


Your goals should directly relate to your digital campaign strategy’s objective and your business as a whole.

For example, a digital marketing strategy shouldn’t be trying to increase your Twitter followers if your research shows that your target demographics are not frequent users of the platform.

If you’re a charity setting goals to increase leads to your donation page would be an excellent idea.

If you want to increase your brand reputation, then maybe try and utilize your digital marketing strategy to maximize the reach and coverage of your informative content.


One of the most important elements of devising a digital marketing plan is creating a timeframe.

You need to know when you want to hit all your goals. Set up regular deadlines for reaching certain benchmarks and try and stick to them.

If you’ve selected your measurable metrics carefully, you can see how many you should be hitter per month.

Not only will this help you to stay focused, but it will make it easier to tell if what you’re doing is working or not.

If you haven’t reached one stage of your goals by a certain week, then it may be time to re-evaluate your digital marketing methodology.

You’ll find it much easier to organize your online marketing strategy if you know exactly what you need to do each week, instead of just setting an overall goal and thinking ‘oh we’ll hit when we hit it’.

What Are the Best Digital Marketing Tactics?

So what are the best digital tactics for your digital marketing plan and how can they assist your business in generating leads and the sales it needs to achieve its business goals? It’s important to remember that every business is different, with varying products or services, audiences, and goals.

Therefore there is no cookie-cutter digital marketing strategy, and yours has to be tailored accordingly.

To explain the different approaches available to digital marketing strategies, let’s take a look through the key methods one by one, and explore just how they can help your business.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a crucial part of any digital marketing strategy.

It is exactly what it says on the tin, making sure your business’s web presence has been designed with search engines such as Google in mind.

Imagine you’re a business that sells garden fences.

When a customer searches Google for ‘best garden fences’ you want your website to be one of the first results that pop up.

If you’re languishing on page 4 of the results, it’s unlikely that a potential customer will even see your website, let alone click on it.

This is where SEO comes in.

The better your digital SEO strategy the more likely that your website will be the top hit on Google, ranked higher than all your competitors.

Most of us trust Google, so appearing high up on the results will ensure more traffic to your website.

What SEO tactics can I use?

So what can you do to ensure your website is perfectly optimized for search? Google’s algorithm depends on things such as keywords and backlinks.

Creating quality content for your website that includes the important keywords and phrases that users will be searching for is one way of doing this, which is also free.

It’s also great to have other sites that provide links back to you, proving you’re a reliable source.

For those of you unsure what a keyword means, it’s simply a word or a phrase that people are likely to type into Google which will include your site amongst the search results.

So for a fencing company, it could be ‘garden fences’, ‘fencing’, ‘garden fence supplier’ etc. Therefore making use of these words and phrases on your site and within your content is a great idea.

How do I make my SEO strategy successful?

However, while these are excellent places to start, it’s important to remember that SEO is a full-time job, not a quick fix.

Google’s and other search engines’ algorithms are constantly being updated, and you can bet your competitors will be constantly updating their websites to overtake you in the rankings.

To succeed you need a dedicated team with a monthly budget. They’ll be doing constant keyword research and analysis, developing new content such as articles and blog posts, and link outreach.

This is the best way to keep your site top of the rankings.

Pay Per Click (PPC)

Ever heard of that old saying, “half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, the trouble is I don’t know which half”? Luckily for marketers, Pay Per Click (PPC for short) is a great solution to this problem, that will boost your digital advertising strategy.

Calculating return on investment can indeed be tricky, as you’re never 100% sure which part of your online marketing strategy has led to a direct lead.

What Is PPC?

With PPC you only pay for the direct clicks to your website. Let us explain:

First of all, you select keywords that you want to focus on and then bid for them.

This means that when a potential customer searches these keywords, then your ads will appear at the top of the search results.

Now here’s the best part: You only pay when someone clicks on your link. You’ll pay more for the most successful ads but will be completely free if it flops.

This all makes PPC an excellent, cost-effective online marketing strategy for driving traffic directly to your website.

However, unlike organic SEO methods, it is still a paid approach so it has to be executed well to return your full money’s worth.

How Do I Make My PPC Strategy Successful?

Using PPC just to up your Click Through Rate (CTR) or impressions is not a smart allocation of your resources.

It should be (and can be) used to boost your leads and even sales. This is where a bit of keyword research is helpful. Work out which keywords are being used by those looking to make a transaction, versus those who are just doing research.

For example, if your business sold televisions, keywords that would work great with PPC would be things such as ‘affordable TVs’, ‘flatscreen TVs’, and the like.

These are probably being used by those looking to make a purchase, so there’s a higher chance that the money you pay for the click will lead to a direct sale.

For smaller businesses that may not have the SEO heft of larger, well-known brands, PPC is also a useful way to skip to the top of the rankings.

PPC ads will always appear as the first few search results on Google, meaning your site will be the one users see first. However, this is still no excuse to forget about SEO!

Keeping your SEO up to date will work in tandem with your PPC advertising.

A clever combination of both will keep your website ranking highly on a wider range of keywords and phrases and keep traffic high.

Content Marketing

Marketing isn’t just about selling things, it’s also about developing a relationship with your customer base and presenting your brand or company as something reliable they can come to. Whether that be for products, services, or just advice.

Another useful tool for your digital marketing strategy that will help with this is content marketing.

Content marketing isn’t just about reaching your customer base, but also engaging with them and providing a useful service for them through your digital marketing activities. It’s a key asset for any interactive marketing strategist.

What is Content Marketing?

So what is content marketing? It works by creating useful and engaging pieces of content.

This could be articles, blog posts, infographics, videos, or anything you can think of, content marketing is powerful as it leaves a lot of room for creativity.

A digital marketing strategy example of it is this.

Imagine you’re a business that sells fruit smoothies. You could write a blog post about the nutritional benefits of eating fruit. The article itself doesn’t have to mention your product specifically but instead demonstrates your expertise while providing useful information to potential clients.

How Do I Make My Content Marketing Strategy Successful?

You should always ensure it is relevant to your company, and within your field of expertise.

Remember although content marketing is designed to engage your audience, it does also need to sell your company’s reputation if not your products and services.

Your content must be well written and factually accurate. You should link back to reputable sources within it (just not to a competitor!) to bolster its reliability.

This way it will provide a useful service to your readers, encouraging them to share it amongst family, friends, or colleagues, thus boosting your reach and coverage.

To do it well, you’ll need a proper team of trained copywriters, designers, and other professionals to create valuable and engaging content your customers will genuinely want to consume.

If well done, it will be of real use and/or interest to, and should not even appear to be for marketing or advertising purposes.

Additionally, if your content is coming in the form of a piece of copy, such as a blog post or article, then remember to optimize it for SEO as much as you can.

You could draft a sublime, beautifully written blog, just waiting to be shared, but it is never going to be seen in the first place if it is stuck on page 6 of Google!

If the SEO is done right, and the copy is well written and packed full of useful information consumers want, then the two methods will work in tandem and you can watch it fly.

Another bonus of content marketing is that it is very cost-effective.

As we mentioned before, well-crafted pieces of content will be shared voluntarily by users for free, giving it an excellent organic reach without needing much support from paid spots.

You can host it on your website, or do outreach through PR to get it covered on well-respected media outlets.

Email Marketing

Once you have got your audience interested, the digital marketing work does not stop there. For your strategies to be successful work must go into retaining your clients.

Fortunately, email marketing is an excellent addition to your digital marketing framework and will keep you at the forefront of your customers’ minds who will keep on coming back for your services.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is something that should be used in partnership with content marketing. You don’t want to just send out anything, or you will be seen as spam and will swiftly unsubscribe.

Therefore it’s important that what you send them is of value to your audience. Luckily, if they have already signed up for your email newsletter then they already have an interest in your products.

You can send them interesting and relevant news about the company, info on new products, sales, or even informational content.

This will stop them from forgetting about you, and at best will generate direct leads to your website that result in a sale.

How Do I Make My Email Marketing Strategy Successful?

Just as how you can use content marketing in tandem with SEO or PPC, you can also use it with your email marketing activities.

A quality, well-crafted piece of content will spread naturally amongst users, so the first step of getting it seen is the biggest hurdle.

Thanks to email marketing you can deliver it straight into your subscribers’ inboxes, kickstarting its organic coverage.

You can also use email to target even more precisely. Based on what they’ve subscribed to, or their interests, you can create separate pieces of content for the different subsections within your customer base.

For example, let’s use the television business analogy again.

You could target any subscribers that recently bought a TV from your website, with emails advertising equipment to go specifically with that product. Think TV stands, HDMI cables, remotes, etc.

That way you use your budget to focus on customers with a higher probability of buying those products.

Get Your Users’ Consent

A crucial thing to remember with email marketing, however, is consent.

People are rightfully protective over their data, so you should double-check they have agreed to be contacted.

Unsolicited email marketing will irk customers and cause them to be less likely to use your services in the future.

In recent years new legislation has been passed in some areas to protect customer data, such as the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California’s Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

Therefore if any of your target demographic is in Europe or California be extra sure they have permitted you to target them with online marketing.

Social Media Marketing

These days you cannot pursue a digital marketing strategy while ignoring social media.

With almost half the world’s population on social media, it is a great space to connect with your users.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social media is also incredibly diverse with platforms from Facebook, to Instagram, to Twitter, and much more.

Each is suitable for a different type of messaging, so you can tailor your digital marketing campaigns around them.

The different platforms are each suited for different forms of content, from longer posts to images, to videos.

They also have different demographics, varied on factors such as age, location, and more, so ensure you pick the right choice for your specific digital marketing strategy.

How Can I Make My Social Media Marketing Strategy Successful?

Social media companies provide data on different users’ preferences and interests, so can allow you to create hyper-focused advertising to reach specific customer demographics.

By cutting out the rest, and just paying to reach those who are most likely to result in a lead or a sale, will dramatically improve your return on investment (ROI).

It’s not just about sending out ads to your followers. A vital part of social media marketing is maintaining your business’ online presence.

Your team needs to include professionals to run and update your company’s pages, to show that you are an active and engaging brand.

You should be creating regular posts and updates about company news, or useful information about your sector.

You can also share articles from reputable news sites that relate to your business to demonstrate your expertise and that you both know about and have a keen interest in the issues that affect you and your followers.

It’s also an excellent space to platform the content that your digital marketing team has developed. Facebook and Instagram are excellent for posting any videos, images, or infographics your team creates.

Blogs can be put on LinkedIn to maximize their reach, and show off your know-how to potential business partners.

Engage Your Audience

However, one thing that a social media marketing strategy can do that other digital marketing strategies can’t is provide you with real-time engagement with your audience. Followers can use the platform to interact with your posts.

This is why it is so important to have a dedicated team running your social media, so users are not left waiting and feeling ignored.

How you interact can vary. We often see jokey and conversational responses from brands on Twitter with their customers, helping to cultivate a brand’s persona, and with a little luck going viral too.

One of the most common forms of interaction, however, is customer support. Sites such as Facebook and Twitter are often used in this way.

You should bear in mind that this should be just as much a part of your digital marketing strategy as your advertising.

If you respond promptly, helpfully, and politely, it will help your brand awareness, reputation and improve customer retention.

How Can Social Media Marketing Boost Sales?

Nowadays social media isn’t just for reaching consumers, but also for direct conversions. This can be done thanks to the useful shopping features on platforms such as Instagram and Facebook.

Previously product advertising worked like a digital billboard, in that users would simply see products they might like on their feed, but would have to go a further step in going to your website or store to complete the purchase.

Fortunately for businesses, the shopping function can be built directly into your branded posts.

For highly visual platforms such as Instagram, this works very effectively.

It’s an aspirational social network which makes it perfect for retail.

Imagine you’re a fashion brand. You can create posts of your latest apparel, all your followers need to do is tap the clothes they’re interested in, and they’re instantly taking to the shopping page.

Or how about a travel company. You could have images of gorgeous panoramic landscapes, and in a single tap your customers could be booking flights or hotels.

What Is an Influencer Marketing Strategy?

Social media also offers more opportunities than just posting on your company site.

By developing relationships with influencers you can reach your audience that no brand can do.

They can advertise your brand in a natural, more familiar way that feels a lot more like real human interaction than a paid ad.

Influencers are excellent if you are targeting younger demographics.

According to the Digital Marketing Institute, 70% of teens trust influencers far more than traditional celebs.

You must pick the right influencer for your brand.

Look beyond just follower counts, and check out how many times they post and their engagement rate. These highlight how active they are.

Stats are not the only thing either. It is far more vital that you pick an influencer who is a natural fit for your brand.

There’s no point picking a fashion influencer with 5M followers if you are a sports equipment company.

Video Marketing

Video marketing is a specific section of digital marketing and can lead to excellent results.

It’s effective as the medium is one of the most popular forms of content out there, with around 85% of US internet users watching online videos.

Just open any social media feed and you’ll see your timeline peppered with clips.

In fact, social media newcomer TikTok is solely focused on the medium. There aren’t many successful digital media strategies that don’t take advantage of video.

How Can Video Help my Marketing Strategy?

Video works so effectively as it is incredibly engaging.

It’s far more likely to draw customers in than a block of text, or a still image.

Customers are likely to spend more time consuming a video than they are with any other form of content, which means they’re more likely to remember your brand and engage with the post.

Don’t just take our word for it however, the stats speak for themselves:

  • Users are ten times more likely to engage with video than any other social post. This means they will be getting more likes, comments, and shares from your audience. All this helps to maximize its reach and put it in front of more users.
  • Videos have far higher retention rates too as people pay more attention to them. 65% of viewers watch more than three-quarters of its full length on average. How many times do we open an article and trail off after the first few paragraphs? This makes sure your message actually gets across.
  • All this boosted engagement and retention adds up to real benefits. 71% of marketers have reported that video conversion rates outperform all their other marketing content. The proof is there. Video equals more customers.

These statistics show that video by itself is an excellent digital marketing tool that will create direct leads to new customers.

But what’s even better, is that it can help out your other digital marketing strategies.

Including a video on your website won’t just attract attention from visitors, but will get them on your site in the first place, by generating more traffic. This is because having it on your homepage will improve its SEO.

You’re far more likely to end up on Google’s first page if you include video.

How does it do this? It’s all down to how engaging it is. A well-created video is more likely to be shared widely across social media, blogs, and more. This means more backlinks to your site.

Having a high number of quality backlinks is crucial for boosting its rankings.

Another important rating is time spent on your site. As mentioned before, the majority of viewers will actually spend the time watching a video, instead of just skipping over.

When you compare it to reading written content, some findings put it at 80% of people will watch in its entirety, while only 20% will read an article to finish.

Therefore, if you put a video on your website, visitors will be drawn to it and spend far longer watching it, than they would when reading a large block of text for the information they need.

The extra time they spend viewing means more time on your site, which equals even higher SEO rankings.

Lastly, when creating and uploading, you’ll have to write a title and description. This is an excellent opportunity to include as many keywords and phrases, giving your page that extra little boost.

Like all content, for a video marketing campaign to be successful, it has to be properly done, with a professional team behind it.

The better crafted it is, the more it will be viewed, shared, and engaged with.

You should think about who exactly you are targeting. Should you use sensible, professional language? Could animations help? Do you need it to be high-energy and exciting? All this depends on what exactly you are marketing and who your audience is.

Should it inform your audience on a particular topic? Are you advertising a specific product or service? Perhaps you’re sharing company news, or updating your subscribers on a recent event you held.

Hopefully, this shows just how diverse video can be, and how you can use it for a variety of different purposes.

Integrated Marketing

All of the above strategies are excellent methods for boosting your reach, conversion rates, and ultimately, sales.

Each has its own advantages and is better for specific aims and situations. However, don’t just use a single tactic. The best digital marketing campaign strategy is one that is integrated and layered, taking multiple different approaches to reach the same goal.

If your digital marketing strategy is to reach as many people as possible, it’s best to use an omnichannel approach.

This means using a multitude of different platforms, from paid advertising to free methods such as social media, SEO, and more.

Plus, this will maximize your online presence and ensure your products and services are seen.

The main digital channels you should be looking at are:

Paid Media

Just what it says on the tin, this is the advertising that you are paying to be included. This could include online display, programmatic, PPC, and more.

While not free so, therefore, more expensive than the others, these can be highly effective and deliver strong ROI

Earned Media

Earned media is how you receive organic coverage and website traffic.

This could include high-quality content that your audience chooses to share or through clever use of SEO to put your website at the top of Google’s rankings.

Earned media is completely free and doesn’t cost a penny so there’s no excuse to not pursue it.

Owned Media

This is the part of your digital marketing strategy that is completely under your control.

You can put anything you desire on your landing page and social media pages for free, so take this opportunity to boost your marketing.

Beyond this, it also includes your interactions with your target audience, such as email marketing and customer service.

All the different digital channels and methods can complement each other so ensure when you design one digital marketing strategy, you keep the others in mind.

Not only will they each gain you coverage in different spaces, but if done right, they will boost each other. Remember, you own these channels so they are completely free to use.

Want To Create an Effective Digital Marketing Strategy? Contact Fannit Today

Digital marketing is an incredibly powerful tool available to businesses.

It offers your digital marketing campaign and strategy a high degree of customization and targeting to achieve goals that wouldn’t be available to just traditional marketing.

An intelligently created digital media marketing plan can give you the edge you need against your competition.

We all know how tight marketing budgets can be, however, so it’s important to ensure that your digital marketing strategy works the hardest to achieve the best ROI.

Professional advice and guidance are readily available and investing in a marketing agency to perfect your digital marketing initiatives is often worth it.

If you’re looking for assistance in building the perfect digital marketing plan to achieve your business goals, contact Fannit today and see what our team of marketers can do to get your digital marketing strategy working perfectly. Whether you’d like to generate leads, increase conversions or boost brand awareness, we’re here to assist.

Keith Eneix

My brother Neil and I founded Fannit in 2010 and set out to help entrepreneurs just like us achieve their dreams of being successful business owners. It’s been a rewarding journey for us, and we love every day of it. Inside of Fannit, I work with both our internal team and our clients to make sure that we have everybody working the right roles and we’re being as efficient as possible as a team. I’m always happy to step in whenever there is a difficult SEO challenge at hand... it’s the element of marketing that I’m most passionate about. We’re all here to get better and grow, and that’s what gets me up in the morning! Connect with me on LinkedIn >