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Given the manufacturing industry’s long sales cycle and dependence on and word of mouth referrals, your company needs to take every opportunity to build relations with potential customers.

One of the most powerful ways to do this is by building a cohesive internet marketing strategy that establishes your company’s presence online. While also including a well-developed sales funnel that guides prospects to pick up the phone and call your company.

Specialty Manufacturing Marketing

As a manufacturing SEO company, we work with a variety of industries and use two fine-tuned systems to develop your website’s SEO. We call these systems: TRAP and IRON. You can see our manufacturing case study here.

Manufacturing SEO Marketing Agency

Building a website that consistently gets prospects to contact you requires a robust manufacturing SEO marketing strategy. After all, it doesn’t matter how professional your manufacturing website looks if it doesn’t show up on the first page of Google.

Manufacturing search engine optimization (Industrial SEO) is the science of growing your business’ online presence using digital tools to follow a strategic manufacturing marketing plan.

The following sections tell you how we use our two systems to bring your business more manufacturing clients.


How TRAP SEO Helps The Manufacturing Industry Rank On Google

Our team uses the acronym TRAP to identify the 4 major areas where your website needs to be SEO optimized.

TRAP stands for:

  • Technical
  • Relevancy
  • Authority
  • Popularity

Let’s break each of these down so that you understand how we use TRAP to improve your website and bring in more leads.


We begin the process by evaluating how your site’s Industrial SEO currently stands. Our team will run a series of tests and audits to identify problems that are preventing you from reaching the first page of Google.

Three common problems we look for and repair are:

  1. HTTP/HTTPS conflicts
  2. Broken links
  3. Slow loading speed


One of the most reliable ways to get leads is to have a content marketing strategy in place. Your website publishes content that speaks to the needs of your ideal audience and motivates them to take further action with you at the end of the content.

Not all content is good though, which is why our relevancy stage is dedicated to weeding out content that could be hurting your rankings.

This includes:

  • Thin content
  • Duplicate content


The quality of your site’s backlinks is an indication of your authority online. Backlinks coming from low-quality sources can damage your credibility in the eyes of Google, who will reduce your rankings as a result.

During the authority phase, our team of backlink experts will ensure that:

  • All your backlinks are coming from valuable sources
  • You are consistently building high-quality backlinks


Another way Google determines your website’s ranking is by measuring popularity signals (how people interact with your site). For example, do they bounce off immediately? Or do they linger and click through multiple pages?

The longer your visitors engage, the better your rankings.

Fannit will help improve your popularity signals by:

  • Ensuring your content is formatted in a way that is easy to read
  • Optimizing your post and page descriptions


How Our IRON System Improves Your Manufacturing Internet Marketing Over The First 30 Days

IRON is a system we’ve spent over ten years perfecting. This is the process we use to jumpstart your internet marketing during the first 30 days of welcoming you to the Fannit family.

IRON stands for:

  • Interview
  • Research
  • Organize
  • Nail It!

Here is how we use the IRON system to start your website’s journey to the front page of Google.


When we’re designing your website and creating content for your company, we need to have a crystal clear understanding of what you do and how you do it. The interview stage is where we sit down with your team and facilitate the necessary knowledge transfer so that we can accurately replicate your voice during the coming stages.


Our research team will do extensive research on your industry, the top competitors, and your ideal audience. This is so we can accurately chart your internet marketing strategy in the next stage.

We will also do an intense manufacturing SEO audit of your current manufacturing website to determine what problems exist.


Using the data gathered in the interview and research stages. Our marketing consultants will work with your leadership to create a strategic internet marketing plan for your company’s website.

Nail It!

As soon as our production team is informed of the SEO problems found in the research stage, they will begin fixing these. As well as implementing new technology and systems to improve your site’s industrial SEO — lead intake systems, analytics configuration, and tracking technology installation, to name a few.

Manufacturing companies focus heavily on implementing innovative machinery and increasing efficiency across their operation. But, this doesn’t necessarily translate across all departments as many factories and industrial providers struggle to really nail manufacturing marketing.

B2B manufacturers already face tough competition and huge overheads, so adding industrial marketing to the list of concerns isn’t always a priority. The truth is that a robust manufacturing marketing strategy can help solve multiple challenges and allow you to consistently get clients from a wide variety of channels.

The adoption of internet-capable devices has transformed many industries, including the manufacturing space. Today, B2B consumers turn to smartphones and internet-capable devices to conduct part of their research and find the best providers. This means that you need to focus on these digital channels and ensure that your potential clients can find your manufacturing business online.

According to research by GlobalSpec, less than a quarter of manufacturing marketers rate their organization’s industrial digital marketing plan as mature, which means that the vast majority of industrial operations have a lot of room for improvement. At Fannit, our team of manufacturing seo professionals have spent years developing manufacturer marketing strategies for industrial facilities, so we have first-hand experience with the different steps you need to take to create a solid online promotion plan.

Let’s take a look at the different industrial digital marketing strategies available for manufacturers, their benefits, and what you need to do to develop a solid plan to promote your manufacturing services online.

Industrial Digital Marketing For Manufacturing Companies

Manufacturing digital marketing encompasses all online activities that help promote your products and services to your potential customers. It includes your company website, social media pages, email marketing, paid ads, and other forms of digital manufacturing marketing that allow you to reach potential customers on smartphones, laptops, and other devices.

There are many key differences between conventional advertising and digital marketing. For manufacturers, conventional advertising tends to be product or service-centric, meaning that the entire strategy revolves mainly around the company. However, the majority of successful digital marketing campaigns are client-centric, so they attempt to make contact with potential customers when they’re actively looking for or in need of your services.

In addition, digital marketing for manufacturers can help you:

Reach a Wider Audience

More than 313 million Americans and almost 4 billion people in the world use the internet on a regular basis. Regardless of your specialties and specific services, it’s safe to assume that a large portion of your audience is actively online and using the internet to research the best solutions.

This is the reason why online marketing provides unmatched audience reach. With the right structure and guidance, manufacturers can market their solutions at local, regional, national, and international levels through a series of different campaigns.

Engage Potential Clients Through Interactive Content

One of the biggest issues with conventional advertising is that it’s static and doesn’t offer much in terms of engagement. Digital platforms, on the other hand, create the perfect environment to produce and cure highly engaging content.

In the manufacturing marketing context, engagement refers to attracting and retaining consumer attention, which allows you to deliver your entire marketing message. For instance, you can create an explanatory video for one of your blogs to keep viewers engaged from the moment they start reading the introduction they finish watching your content.

Convert Visitors Into Leads and Sales

Having a business website is essential, but your pages should do more than simply inform your potential customers about your manufacturing company’s capabilities. A sound digital marketing strategy can help transform your website from an informative platform to a lead generation machine.

To have the right effect, your pages need to be designed to capture each visitor’s name, email, employer, and other important pieces of information. Once you have the right mechanisms in place, you can build a contact list, create an automated email sequence, and start nurturing the prospects that will eventually become your leads and sales.

Track and Monitor Your Results

Radio, television ads, and other conventional forms of advertising can’t be accurately measured or tracked, so manufacturing marketers can’t determine how effective these campaigns actually are. Digital marketing is the exact opposite because it allows in-depth tracking, which means you can see where every penny of your advertising dollars is going.

Besides financial transparency, the tracking and monitoring features can also help you optimize your content and overall marketing strategy. Once you have statistically significant information, you can analyze the data and determine what variables are producing the best results. To get the most from your campaign, it’s also essential to run split tests and try different variables at the same time.

What is Inbound Marketing?

Remember how we mentioned the differences between product-centric and customer-centric strategies? Inbound marketing is a customer-centric marketing approach that focuses mainly on making contact with potential clients when they need your services, producing content that engages your audience, and making sure that they’re satisfied with their purchase during as well as after the sale.

As with manufacturing digital marketing, inbound is somewhat of an umbrella term because it represents a philosophy, rather than a strict set of techniques. As a matter of fact, inbound marketing is compatible with a wide collection of digital techniques, so you need to create a custom B2B marketing strategy designed specifically for your industrial company.

Some of the digital marketing strategies for manufacturers that work extremely well with inbound include:

Manufacturing SEO

Industrial search engine optimization (manufacturing SEO) is the process of making changes and adjustments to your website and other platforms to increase your site’s ranking in search engines. Google and similar platforms have become the go-to place for consumers as well as B2B buyers. These users trust Google to provide them with the best results in order of relevance whenever they perform a search.

When a potential customer looks something up, search engines generate a list of results, calculating each position based on hundreds of different factors that include your website’s loading speed, the keywords used in your content, and other variants.

Manufacturing SEO aims to improve your website, social media profiles, and other online channels, with the main goal of achieving higher rankings for each one of your pages. This is important because the vast majority of organic traffic (which are unpaid and occur through a “natural” research process) goes to the websites that hold the first 10 positions in search engine results pages.

In other words, if you want to get a significant amount of organic traffic from Google and similar search engines, you need to be one of the companies in the top 10 rankings.

Despite the fact that search platforms evaluate hundreds of variables, all of these can be divided into on-page SEO and off-page SEO ranking factors.

On-Page Industrial Organic Search Marketing

On-Page SEO includes all websites variables, which means it’s all in your control. From the quality of your content to the number of pages you have, website architecture, and server speeds, Google will examine different features that need to be properly set up to get you to the top positions.

Off-Page Industrial Organic Search Marketing

Off-site SEO is a bit more complicated because it encompasses variables outside of your website. For example, your ratings on local listings, online reviews, social media profiles, and specialized directories profiles all have an effect on the ranking you receive. Knowing exactly what off-page SEO variables to look for and where to find them requires extensive research, so partnering with a manufacturing marketing agency can help ensure you make the right chances and steer you in the right direction.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a technique that focuses on creating functional content in the form of blogs, reports, research papers, and other types of media. In simple terms, content marketing allows you to establish your manufacturing business as an industry leader, showcasing your knowledge while delivering valuable content to your audience.

Like your website itself, the content you publish should have purpose, i.e., collecting name, email, and other contact information from your visitors. As part of your content marketing strategy, blogs can be made available to all users, but reports, whitepapers, and ebooks should only be provided in exchange for information you can use to promote your products later on.

The success of your content marketing program will depend heavily on your publishing schedule.

Social Media Marketing

Social media channels like Facebook and Twitter have ingrained themselves as part of consumers’ identity. B2B buyers follow a similar pattern, but these potential clients focus more on LinkedIn because it specializes in building business connections.

Fortunately, social media marketing can help you leverage these networks and transform them into a valuable part of your lead generation machine. Better yet, social media works well with inbound as well as content marketing, so you should develop the strategy for all three at the same time.

Marketing your manufacturing services on social media is very different from any other platforms. Demonstrating value is even more important than in other types of digital advertising, so you need to start relevant conversations, join in on industry discussions, and scout out potential targets for your manufacturing marketing strategy.

Email Campaigns

Email marketing is among the oldest types of digital marketing, but this approach is still effective when used for nurturing and lead generation.

For manufacturing marketers, the key to email campaigns is organization and consistency.

Organization is a key part because you need to understand the different stages of the buyer’s journey and plan accordingly. This means that you should create a specific sequence that includes a welcome alert, informative emails that nurture prospects, and a shift to sales-oriented messages after certain triggers.

Remember, every email contact should gently usher your prospects down the sales funnel and transform them into qualified leads that are ready to speak to your sales team.

Manufacturing Pay-Per-Click Ads

Organic traffic acquired through inbound and content marketing is the most cost-effective source of leads and sales, but building high rankings is a gradual process. Pay-per-click (PPC) ads represent a larger investment than SEO, but they can help boost your inbound marketing campaign by providing immediate results. The largest and most popular PPC network is Google Ads, which allows you to place adverts above the top rankings on the results pages.

It’s important to note that PPC ads are marked as advertising, but they still provide stellar results in terms of lead volume and quality. What’s more, PPC is trackable and scalable, so it can be adjusted for growth as your marketing efforts start bearing fruit. If you have the budget to launch paid online campaigns, they can help jumpstart your digital marketing program and produce leads as well as sales immediately.

Reputation Management and Digital PR

Reputation management and digital public relations are sometimes groups under off-page SEO, but it’s best handled as a completely different marketing strategy. Some search engines include local directories and rating platforms as part of their ranking algorithm, so you need to delight clients and work on creating a good reputation on every possible platform.

Likewise, digital PR will help your website get the attention it deserves. After all, you can create top-notch resources and develop a mechanism to attract information from your visitors, but these won’t be successful unless you actually get prospects on your site. By taking advantage of guest posting opportunities and other publishing platforms, you can garner a good reputation and funnel a significant amount of traffic to your company website.

Trade Shows, Events, and Other Creative Techniques

Your clients are at the center of your inbound manufacturing marketing program, so this approach is compatible with industry trade shows, events, and any other activity that attracts a large number of potential prospects.

You can integrate these creative techniques into your inbound and content marketing through dedicated content creation. For example, a blog post talking about an upcoming event and inviting users to set an appointment in advance. Or, you can create an email sequence that educates potential customers about the upcoming activity and gives the exclusive rights to book ahead of time.

While creating content for events, remember that it needs to have a purpose, so try to incite an action even if you’re not offering one-on-one meetings.

Benefits of B2B Manufacturer’s Digital Marketing

B2B manufacturing marketing is very different from B2C, but the good news is that manufacturing marketers can rely on digital content to reach other businesses. From professional networks like LinkedIn, to manufacturer SEO, inbound, and content marketing, there is always an online manufacturing marketing technique that can help you reach your target audience.

In addition to the above, conventional advertising tactics tend to be much more expensive than digital marketing. To manufacturers, finding ways to improve efficiency is crucial and online marketing can help cut costs while improving the overall performance of your promotion strategy.

If you choose to promote your services through online manufacturing marketing you’ll have many advantages on your site, including:

Realistic Objectives and Clearly-Defined Goals

As part of the content marketing strategy development phase, you need to set realistic objectives and clearly defined goals. It’s also important to outline how these goals will be achieved, who will be responsible for monitoring your campaign when it’s live, and potential scenarios that require fast adjustments.

This is an advantage because you can always refer back to your business goals in order to make the right decisions for your manufacturing company. In some cases, manufacturing marketers lose vision of the goal and focus on vanity metrics like traffic volume. By outlining your goals and setting the parameters that will help you measure success early on, you won’t lose sight of the true objective of your campaign, which in most cases is generating more sales.

Improved Industrial Organic Search Rankings

We’ve already discussed the advantages of good search engine rankings in the manufacturing SEO section, but we have to stress the importance of using ethical tactics to get high rankings. Manufacturing businesses that try to trick Google may be able to achieve high rankings temporarily, but these don’t usually last long enough to produce significant results.

Instead, focus on working with a manufacturing marketing expert that specializes in online promotion like content marketing. Fannit has assisted sheet metal fabricators and other manufacturing providers in the development, deployment, and management of their online c content campaigns, so give us a call if you need help with your set up.

Higher Number of Website Visitors

Your inbound and content marketing program’s success should not be measured solely by the number of visitors to your site. That said, you need to have a lot of traffic if you want to reel in a good amount of leads and sales through your site.

Inbound and content manufacturing marketing doesn’t only focus on attracting a large number of visitors to your site. Instead, it aims to bring users who are already interested in your products and services in a more natural way. Prospects who are researching manufacturing solutions will be able to find your site and digest your content at their own rate while entering your marketing ecosystem without hard sales tactics.

More Valuable Content

Companies that try to produce quality content for their customers face a lot of hurdles, but the main one is identifying topics that will bring value to readers. Problem is, what you find useful may not be what your potential customers need. So, you need to conduct extensive research before even deciding the topics you’ll cover in your content marketing program.

As part of the content creation process, our team of manufacturing marketers conducts comprehensive keyword and competitor research to determine which topics are trending. By analyzing the patterns, we can help you decide what you need to cover in your content, how it should be published, and define the schedule that needs to be followed.

Predictable Leads and Sales Generation

Creating a predictable leads and sales machine isn’t only about ensuring stability in terms of finance. Once you have information about which marketing methods are working well and how much money you’re projected to make, you can allocate resources in the right direction and improve the performance of your campaigns without skipping a beat.

Think about it this way. If you see that your ebooks and other content are producing better results than your social marketing efforts, you can shift some of your incoming profits and create new resources that in turn generate more leads.

Good Online Reputation

Traditional reputation management is challenging because you’re not present when conversations are taking place. This is very different from online reputation management, where in most cases you can monitor the different platforms your customers use to rate your services. In this sense, online reputation management is like having the ability to listen to all the feedback you receive and being able to invite delighted customers to give their own opinion.

Platforms like Yelp! and other rating sites don’t allow you to change or remove reviews. However, you can survey your current customer base and encourage happy clients to join the conversation. If done properly, inbound manufacturing marketing will result in extremely happy customers that are kept content after the purchase and are more likely to give you positive feedback.

Intricate Knowledge About Your Audience

Seasoned manufacturing marketers know that you need to do extensive research about their audiences. Although it’s essential for content, learning about your target audience can actually shape almost every aspect of your campaign. From the color schemes and language to the graphics and blog content you create, the more knowledge you have about your audience, the better the results will be.

In order to maintain consistency, you’ll want to create a set of buyer personas based on your research. A buyer persona is a fictional depiction of your ideal customer. You can create various personas to represent different segments, but you’ll want to include information like average age, job position, company size, and any other specific detail you may find helpful.

Enhanced Internal and External Communications

Your company website is a valuable source of leads when paired with content marketing, but it can also help enhance communications with your clients. As part of your B2B marketing strategy, you should establish dependable contact options, like live chat, email, and phone support during business hours. All of these should be readily available through your company’s site for whenever a prospect makes the decision to contact your team.

Attractive and Intuitive Web Design

As part of your inbound and content marketing strategy, you need to evaluate your website and think of what improvements you need to make.

Having an attractive and intuitive website design is a priority in online manufacturing marketing because it improves customer experience. Most manufacturing marketers are aware of this, but it’s not always easy to find a balance between attractive features and functional elements.

Our manufacturing marketers audit your company website to identify the elements that are working and the features that are not yielding results. We can help create the page concept and bring the design to life in a practical website with an interface that’s easy to navigate and features that work regardless of the device being used.

Strong Social Media Presence

When most manufacturing marketers develop a strategy, social media is not the first thing that comes to mind. But, many manufacturing companies have leveraged certain social channels as promotional platforms with great success.

Over the last few years, LinkedIn has become a great place to publish industrial marketing content and establish a good reputation for your firm. It can actually help you build a network of providers and get more business, which is the reason why having a strong presence on this channel can improve the performance of your overall marketing scheme.

Ready to Get Started with Your Manufacturing Marketing Plan? We’ll Be Glad to Help

The manufacturing industry is tough, so every step you take to increase your advantage over the competition matters. Manufacturing marketers have been relatively slow in the adoption of digital platforms like content marketing, so focusing on inbound, SEO, and other online tactics can give you an important edge over competitors.

Our team stays up-to-date with the latest trends to develop the best strategy for your manufacturing company, so get in touch with us today if you need help with your online marketing machine.

Don’t Take Our Word For It

Our systems are fine-tuned machines that have been carefully developed over the last ten years — but don’t take our word for it.

To see what TRAP and IRON look like in action, read this case study:

Manufacturing Inbound Marketing Case Study: 144% Increased Online Leads

“From the beginning of our relationship with FANNIT they've proved themselves - I would definitely recommend them as a great digital marketing firm!”
Shahrokh Naieni
“Before FANNIT began helping us, I couldn't find us listed when searching for the products we produce. Now we show up high on the first page of results.”
David Edwards
Director - Quality Assurance at T Bailey
“Hiring FANNIT to be our Internet Marketing team after our new website was built was one of the best decisions I've made - they have given us a competitive advantage in the engineering, design, and metal fabrication industry.”
Joel Anderson